If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

You can post your reflection for 5 & 6 here. I realize I didn't get this on until 8PM (thanks for the head's up, Mary!) so, if you posted in one of the other entries, you can copy and paste your comments at the beginning of class tomorrow.


  1. I feel very bad for Ji-Li because of the recent turn of events including the one where she had all of her hopes taken away to get into Shi-Yi. I think that the red guards may inspect their home soon and they will take some valuable items. Also I feel like that you can make anything out to be four olds in China.

  2. I can see that at these chapters, JI LI starts to find the bad parts in the Cultural revolution. Ji Li has not quite fully started opposing the revolution, but i predict it will happen soon. I was not shocked when the family fired Song Po Po. It is so bad that in the revolution houseworkers were considered fourolds and a form of bourgeois life. Maids are maids because they like their job or need money. Song Po Po will really struggle in her already hard life after being fired. I also noticed that the family is doing things for the revolution after they were supposed to be done. Example- Song Po Po is decided to be fired, but this idea is not a new thing.

  3. I think that this whole "search" thing from the Red Guards is awful. They are taking people's personal and treasured possessions and their money against their will to "brighten China's future by getting rid of the fourolds". It's ridiculous for anyone to believe that's good. I feel like Mao is trying to manipulate them, and trick them thinking it is for the better, when really he is destroying their lives and futures.

  4. Now I am mad. The stupid government is making Jili and her family cutting up her grandmother's beautiful dowry, treasures,and past just because they are around 60 years old. That isn't even a century old, more like a half century! It is not very old. Jili's mother and father are tense and worried, and had to fire their confidant; their housekeeper, Song Popo. Now that is just ridiculous.Popo willingly chose to work for the family, nobody was forcing her.
    What I also find infuriating is that they take all the responsibilities from the teachers. Only the teachers know where each child should go to school, not the person who makes neighborhoods. I find that just so infuriating!

  5. The red guards are the biggest hypocrites in the entire world. To make the country better they are getting rid of the four olds. One of the four olds is how bad landlords are because they cheated people out of there money and made their daughters slaves. The red guards are taking everything from the people and taking all of their money and making "bad, unsupporters" work in cleaning the alley. They are worse then land lords. The red guards convince themselves that they are better and more powerful then everyone else and get to go to the best schools and get the best of everything. How does that make everyone equal? This just shows how messed up china is and why we are all lucky we aren't stuck in a confused, horrible place like china.

  6. I think it was very hard for Ji Li Jiang because she was told that she was going to be in Shi-Yi but then it all changed and she just went to the standard school. That is like us questies having to be in class with the kids from Mrs.Flynn, and do the same activities that they do. I also think that it is very wrong for the government to be allowed to take possesions of the citizens.

  7. I feel very bad for Ji-Li. Basically, everything in her life isn't going her way right now. Unfortunatly, even though the fourolds are ruining her life, she still believes in them. They have taken her dream school away from her, made her family a disgrace, made her family cut and break their riches. It said that no matter what Mao did that Ji-Li would still believe in it. Wow. In the end of the chapters Ji-li's sister asks if the Red Guards will come to their house. I think that's foreshadowing for the next few chapters. All of these fourolds things are making me mad and I want her to realize that THEY ARE JUST PLAIN WRONG!!!

  8. This makes me angry, because Ji-Li's family is being humiliated. She is being treated horribly and disagrees with the revolution but still has to follow along with it. Her status is being mocked along with her family, and she does not now how to feel. I do: I am sad for her and angry at the Revolution!

  9. chapter:5 ji li graduates and begins to think she will go to her dream school but she is then informed that she cannot
    chapter:6 many houses are ransacked and li ji and her family are mocked more
