If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Do you want to help child soldiers? Tonight, research the charities that already exist to help children who are caught in the middle of conflict. Post your findings here. Which charities are the best? Why? What goals do the charities have? Do you have other ideas for how to help this problem?


  1. SOS sounds like a good charity because they help children soldiers everywhere. They also rehabilitate child soldiers in Sudan where SOS provides counselling, family-tracing, education and support for former child soldiers.

  2. A good charity I found is Project AK-47. THey are a team of people that work really hard on getting kids out of this mess, help to keep others out of this mess and provide financial help to the kids later. Below is their link.


  3. This charity sounds really good. It is called "War child".
    Here is the URL:

    War Child has many goals, but these are the 4 main ones.
    1. they provide a safe haven, medicines, and counseling for girls who have survived sexual abuse.
    2. making safe havens children who have been forced to go onto the streets after a war has made them go there.
    3.Rebuilding schools for children and "getting kids out of army uniforms and into school ones"
    4.and helping children's voices be heard and helping the adults who run the towns hear and protect the children better
    They work in Afghanistan, Iraq, Central Republic of Africa, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Uganda.
    Here is the Link:

  4. Is this our homework instead of a comment on chapter 5-6 because i don't see were to comment for that?

    A good association is http://www.warchild.org.uk/what-we-do. It helps a large amount of people lead better lives for themselves. This charity builds schools and pays for the kids educations. It provides medical assistance. It also creates safe havens for the people and protects them from criminals. The charity helps the war torn towns of Afghanistan, Uganda, Congo, Iraq and the UK. The only problem is the money their is different so we would convert it in a bank.

  5. I like this website. It talks specifically about Kony.

  6. UNICEF (united nations childrens fund)supports children's rights

  7. I really like Grace B's and Lizzie's ideas for the website. I especially love Grace's, because I really like the website. Did you read Agnes's story? It's super sad but meaningful. I love how, in one article, it says "some words don't belong together". That is a perfect slogan/moto thingy if we were going to do this as a project.

  8. http://www.warchild.ca/donate.html. This website looked and sounded really good. I have a couple ideas for what we could do. One of my favorites would be something where we put the jars in the schools, the rec, and other common places people go. We could have signs hanging everywhere telling people to go to those places and donate. Maybe it could be called "Change for Children" or something. I think that would be cool.
