If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Write your reflection for chapter 7 & 8 here.


  1. I think that it is outrageous that the Red Guard and Six Fingers made Old Qian kneel on that sharp washing board, possibly killing him, and they taking ALL of his stuff because he didn't want to give his own bicycle. But, on the other hand, that probably convinced the rest of the neighbor hood to follow the Red Guard's rules, out of fear or loyalty. Score one for Mao. Yippee. Also, the suicide of the Grandma? I mean, how is suicide a crime? It is a tragic happening that makes a community reconsider their actions. Not a funeral with no mourning bands or a last good bye. This, with all the searches, probably elevated the status of the Red Guards for sure.

  2. I researched it and suicide was a common thing in the Culutural revolution. I cant understand why An yi's grandma would want to commit suicide, because the book really only mentions her at this point.

  3. CONNECTION!!! I was just reading and I read about the guy getting in trouble because of accidentally ripping Mao's photo in half. This is JUST like the Mao button "short" story!!!!!! Sorry. Just needed to say that.

  4. I can understand how much this helps pore people. Maybe they don't feel so horrible now that the rich people aren't so rich. I think it might be the best for the majority of people in china but it may be gonna a little overboard. I mean seriously, they are banning pictures. SERIOUSLY! Those may be the only memories that people have of their ancestors. Also... A STAMP COLLECTION!!!!!!!! This is going way to far but I can see where chairman mao is coming from. I don't see how a stamp collection shows that you are rich, people can find stamps on the street, people who are rich could send stamps to them. It doesn't mean that the person paid for it. I also feel horrible for the grandma. I think I would be doing the same thing. I would not be able to sleep ever. The suicide part was really sad. It may be tough in those times but it is true that she wasn't thinking straight. I am interested to see what crazy turn of events there is in the next chapters.

  5. The grandmother committing suicide is so awful!! It is so depressing! So, not only is this "Four Olds" idea getting rid of peoples treasured possessions and taking away their homes, it is now causing people to take their own lives. This is going (has gone) WAY to far in my opinion. Another thing...I know this is sort of out of no where, and the worst thing to pick to talk about in all that happened, but I didn't really get or appreciate that "Master nuclear weapons, scare the American barbarians" thing. It was a little bit odd. What the Red Guards did to Old Qian. Really unnecessary.

    1. America posses alot (but not all) of the nuclear weapons. We kind of invented them, with foreign scientists, and want them to control their use. If china could master nuclear weapons, that would really scare us. Kind of like the cold war, when the soviet union and america were in a nuclear standoff.

  6. Oh yeah. ONE more thing. The thing about Jia Hong-yu seeing chairman Mao was such a weird story. They acted like an angel had looked at them and blessed them or something. Its just the leader of China. I thought it was sort of ridiculous how they were all crying. Also, when she screamed "and he looked at me!!!" It reminds me of some crazy teenager that's obsessed with a pop star like Justin Beiber or something. Its one of those events I'd be embarrassed to be at.

  7. I can't believe that it would come to the level of suicide. It makes no sense that you can't mourn over someone that committed suicide which is a crime because you are separating yourself from the society. How can the red guards hurt people if they refuse to give them a bike. It feels like Mao is a god to the people because of how they cried at the red guards story of seeing somebody. Mao is a human just like every person in the world is. In the end of the book it kind of seemed like Ji-Li was at her breaking point because she said things like "isn't home a private place" and "I was not a landlord"

  8. I really don't like the fourolds, but I don't think I would rather die than face them. An-Yi's grandma committed suicide, and they said that it was a crime. Don't they have any feelings? Also, even after they made that poor old man go on his knees, and faint, Ji-Li still convinced herself not to feel bad because what he did was apparently wrong. Talk about brainwashing.

    It took the Red Guards coming into her home for Ji-Li to finally realize that something was wrong. They took all of her things and threw them on the ground. The one thing she wanted, her stamp collection, was thrown in the pile of things that were going to be confiscated. I don't understand why she couldn't just have left them alone and pretended she didn't like them until they went away. Anyways, Ji-Li thought her life was bad before, well I wonder what she thinks of it now.

    1. I also researched that fourolds were used as excuses to make people do or believe things.

  9. I think that it is crazy that the red guards and six fingers think they can do whatever they want to people. I think that it is going to far with death and confiscation, and even some torture.

  10. It is really stupid how the Red Guards are practically killing people. First it was Old man Quain then the Grandma. Even though the Guards didn't directly kill her, but the pressure of them made her commit suicide. And they're really taking this Fourold things to far. I mean really, a stamp collection? And china plates? Pictures? And why would they go through all Ji-Li's family stuff just because the Guards found a knife thrown away with some old photos with the cousins. Jut because one part of the family's bad (which they really wer'ent) doesn't mean the other part of the family is.

  11. I think that Mao has convinced everyone that he is almost a god so when those people at that speech looked at him they started crying. It goes to show that he has so much power over everyone and whatever he wants to do to you he can. Ji-Li and the red guards think that they live there own life but as long as they are in China Mao is bending their lives to what he wants them to be. None of the Chinese citizens are free. Also the things he does are dumb and cruel. Ji-Li's neighbors are torchered and killed by their own neighbors because Mao is turning them against each other. No one will ever freely talk to the red gaurds. No one can ever actually be happy because of fear that they are next. A man that hardly any one ever saw can turn you against people you have lived next to our whole life.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. chapter:7 Ji lis relatives are searched: her family is put under more suspicion. A red guard makes a presentation.
    chapter:8 ji lis familys apartment is searched.
