If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Here is a pre-discussion question: How do we dig deeper than the obvious in our discussion? We are all horrified by what is happening to Ji-Li and her family, but how do we get meaning out of our reading experience?


  1. I think we should ask more specific questions like about Song Po Po and the ruining of the grandma's dowry.

  2. We could think of the differences between topics that seem simular. We could try looking at topics from different points of view. We could find ways that topics that we think are bad, could possibly be a good thing.

  3. I think we should also look at Mao's philosophies.

  4. Also we should not just look at what is happening in the story but in the background.

  5. We could get meaning out of Ji-Li's experiences by thinking about her experiences and appyling them to our lives. We should turn her experiences into things that could happen to us. We could then use her experiences to help us in ours.

  6. I think we should think about the pros and cons about some of the events. Not just the down side. Also, we should look at why chairman Mao is doing this.

  7. We should talk about things like, Do the people supporting the red guards do it out of mostly fear of mostly really supporting them? Do the red guards feel that they are doing something wrong at all? What will happen to the red guards lives when the idea dies down and they are without a education?

  8. I think, like others, we should look at both sides of the story. See it from a Rebel side, see it from a Red guard side, see it from a black family, and see it from a black family. Then we can see the rules or beliefs that a plain crazy, maybe necessary, or just there for the sake of rules.

  9. We can think about what would happen if this happened to us now. What objects would be removed from our homes?

  10. I think we should pay attention to what is happening to the others in the community to get a sense of different feelings of the Revolution.
