If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Write your reflection for chapter 11 & 12 here.


  1. I think that Ji-Li's and An Yi's prediction of some things being good and some being bad is coming true because in chapter 11 Ji Li's dad was put in prison. In chapter 12 Ji-Li was told by teacher Zhang that even though she has a bad background she is still an educable student.

  2. it was interesting that the teacher was the only one who thought she had a good chance even though she had black-backgrounded family. Even Ji-li herself thought she was doomed, and the teacher was like a spark of inspiration that might start a fire. I hope things go uphill for Ji-li now. (But then again, it's a book.)

  3. I think that Ji Li's life is starting to have one of it's good moments. Of course her being the person to represent her class doesn't at all make up for the horrible things she's going through it is a start. Ji-Li is realizing that everyone is suffering from the horrible revolution. Even the red Guard was going to lose some one she is very close to. The teacher knows that what she is going through isn't her fault and she is still the best student for the job. Everyone is suffering and even though it's a bad thing Ji-Li can see she's not alone anymore and their are others that will help her and be her friend.

  4. At least she's doing good at school-that's the good. But it doesn't compare to the bad- Uncle Fan being beaten, her mother getting sick (oh, by the way for anyone who's wondering, Meniere disease is a disease of the inner ear that effects hearing and symptoms include drop in hearing, ringing in the ear or vertigo) but most of all her dad being locked up for doing nothing and forced to do hard labor. Why is life so unfair? Good people who work hard get punished for doing so.

  5. At the end of chapter 12 I started to thing about Chang Hong differently. I always thought of her as an arrogant and snotty mean person. Now, thinking about the conversation between her and Ji-Li I think of her differently. I am really worried about Ji-Li's mother. I hope her father comes back soon. I am happy that her teacher is giving her a chance to be a good person. She can't give up all hope yet.

  6. It's about time that something good happens to Ji-li. I'm so happy that she was chosen out of everyone in her class. Right now, is a time that Ji-Li should enjoy life, because the good times won't last for much longer. She should savor the moment. One good thing doesn't make up for all the bad things that have happened to her though(like Mary said). If Chairman Mao saw things from Ji-Li and other black(whatevers) families like hers, maybe he would change his mind. Or would he? He doesn't seem to actually have a soul...

  7. I am appalled that people would have to confess for something they didn't do, like Uncle Fan. But what about Jili's father? Did he confess to something he didn't do or did he get arrested off guard? And, I thought that forcing people to do physical labor was against the law or something. Life is so unfair for Jili and her family and friends. In chapter 12, Teacher Zhang just became my favorite character. He is kind and caring, but follows the revolution. I am so glad he gave Jili the chance to be a leader, despite her background. His talk to Jili was very moving. And I feel so bad for Chang Hong. It really proves that people who are definitely on the Revolutionary Side are human beings too. The have family and struggles too.

  8. I finished the book, but around this point i was confused why Ji-Li's father was being detained. Although he does not necessarily support the Revolution, the book does not mention what he did. I think he DID do something wrong, but it is being punished in a two harsh way.

  9. The paper scrap is coming true! Ji-Li is now an educable child, but her father is in prison. Even though the bad is happening, there is some good happening. She can go to junior high and become a leader despite her family.

  10. chapter:11 ji lis father is detained
    chapter:12 ji li is described as an educable child

  11. I think that is is really bad that her father is detained but i guess that it is good that she is doing well in a educational point of view
