If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Monday, May 7, 2012

Write your reflection for chapter 13 (Half-City Jiangs) and chapter 14 (The Class Education Exhibition) here.


  1. Having Dad come home and then leave is kind of like a Monday off. Half the time, you are enjoying the time you do have off of school, half the time you are worrying about going back to school. Like you can hold happiness for one second before it is whisked away from you. And then asked to testify against your father?! I never could do that. Jared, you might say you would, but could you really, with all the people behind you, your dad's face looking up to you, because you are his last hope, could you?

    And again with the happiness whisked away, the little comfort she had at school to take her mind off her troubles is gone. To finally have the fresh start Ji-li deserved then to have it taken away. Reminds me of a cat playing with a red laser, and how the red dot always moves just before the cat can reach it.

  2. I felt so bad for Ji Li and her family when her dad came back. Everyone was so excited to have him back just to find out that he was only back to get clothes. the fact that he started crying made it even worse. When a man cries it means its really bad (tee hee). Anyways, I am glad she is being praised for her work in school. She certainly has a big problem facing her with her father and being allowed to condemn him and then not. What a crazy childhood she has.

  3. Whatever good luck Jili had is gone. That much is obvious. If my father was locked in prison for WEEKS, then was said to come home and then he only needed his clothes, my mother wouldn't be able to get me out of my room. I would be so sad. I would never testify against my dad. I fully support Jili when she refused to testify against her father. That, not the "Revolution", is the right choice.
    I also fully supported Jili when she refused to change her name so she could stay with her family. She had guts. But then any happiness I had was sucked out when she was fired for her background. One day everyone was crying for her speech, the next they kicked her out for a dead grandfather. So unfair. These Red Guards are cracking down everywhere.

  4. Well aren't the red guards a sweet little bunch. "Hey Ji-Li, your dads home...phsych". How could some one do something like that even after the family was told the dad was back for good. The red guards were like "Daddy's home, to get some clothes" that would sure put a damper on my day. I really don't think the red guards ever get a taste of their own medicine. They think that they are helping Ji-Li by making her hurt her dad. The red guards must have horrible parents or be horrible children to not love their parents and turn against them cause a red guard told them to. Ji-Li had one good thing and the red guards just pulled it away from her for not giving them her complete loyalty. They took so much but the greedy little pigs wanted to take away her happy family because happiness is the one thing mao can't control.

  5. This is just like Harrison Bergeron. Not the whole story or plot, but the idea of the ending. When the ballerina and Harrison were dancing, then that lady comes in and shoots them. Total scene crusher. Just when you think everything is going to be alright, and it's going to be a happy ending, the dreams and hopes get shot down like a to-be-taxidermied duck. (Ha ha. TAC inside joke.) I really hate how theres that article, the "Half-City Jiangs" that affect them, even though it's not them doing it.

    I cannot believe that the Red Guards are asking Ji-li to testify her own father. That is absolutely sick, and against human nature. How could you betray the person who worked to get a roof over your head, food on the table, and clothes for you to wear. That is taking it a step to far. (Actually they took a step to far a long time ago, but that is beside the point.)

    I feel really bad for both Ji-li and Bai Shan. Bai Shan obviously likes Ji-li, and I guess Ji-li likes Bai Shan too, but she feels like she can't even speak to him because she comes from a black family. This is the one bit of romance in this story. I hope at least they have a happy ending. By the way this book is going, the happiest they'll get is one of them moving to India, and they can send letters to each other once ever month. (Random; I know. I'm tired, okay?)

  6. When the piece of paper fell that said that some bad things and some good things will happen. Well, not much good stuff is happening right now for Ji-Li! There fore, something good is going to happen soon. (I hope)!!!

    Finally, Ji-Li thinks her dad is going to come back home after about three months. If she thought that she was wrong. All that her dad was doing was getting some clothes! What a reunion. Ji-Li got her hopes up for nothing. On the bright side, they got to see him, but they couldn't even talk to him because the guards were there. >:(

    In the 14th chapter, Chairman Jin (i think that's what his name is) is asking Ji-Li to go up against her own father. Yes, she has tried to change her name before, but she decided better of it because it's the wrong thing to do (yay!). He invited her to change her name and get rid of her black family problems. Basically, he's asking her to stay with Chairman Mao even though he's ruined her life. WOW.

  7. I thought the newspaper article was very mean and crazy. I don't know if it is, or was, the truth, but if it is true,then i think that Ji-Li's parents should have told her. It is bad enough that Li is in this situation, but it makes it worse that her parents are not telling her about the family's background.

  8. I think that Ji Li's school year is going to be the same as the previous one because of students discovering her black background. I feel like her hopes were brought up and then down because she was told that she did a good job on her presentation and then that Fang Fang was replacing her.

  9. These chapters make everything seem downhill again. If everything good is taken away (Jared, shouldn't you do your posts now?) nothing seems worth living, something Ji-Li thought about earlier. Her opportunity as an educable child, and father again are gone, and she feels responsible. I don't really like how things are turning out.

  10. chapter:13 ji li is asked to testify against her father
    chapter:14 ji li does well on her presentation but is replaced by fang fang

  11. These chapters are literally a downfall for Ji Li, everything is gone, her chance at having a great education and her father. It is horrible how she had to go against her dad
