If you were Ji-Li would you testify against your father?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What are some positive qualities of communism you can think of (consider the view of a peasant)?


  1. I guess that, from a peasants point of view, it would be good because everybody will get a lower standard of living, so you become a higher class. Also, if you get a job as a red guard, your ranking in society would go up.

  2. Since communism benefits the working class and peasants are not rich they will not be considered bourgeois. Also, if any richer person appears to look down on them the red guards will defend them.

  3. An advantage is that you don't have to try in life. If you were a horrible student and very rude and beat up other kids you would have a horrible life. In communism you can become a red guard and be treated better then everyone else and all you had to do is cause pain. No one could be better then you so you wouldn't be judged as worse then everyone else. In fact you would have the best life out of everyone for being the worst person out of everyone.

  4. Life becomes easier for lower class people.

  5. 1. the poor get a raise in their social status if they serve well, a better future
    2. ANYBODY who is devoted and serves well get a good amount of respect in their community
    3. some poor people don't have good clothes, so they get new clothing or apparel if they join red guard or the army :D

  6. The main positive thing about communism is that everyone gets a chance no matter who they are or what their class is.

  7. The positive thing is that people with bad jobs could live like people with good jobs.

  8. Poor people wouldn't feel so horrible about themselves and might feel encouraged to work more. They now have a chance to be better than the rest with everyone in the same place. Although, when they get there, they will see what the rich people are going through.

  9. Communism is beneficial because it lets people try to do anything. It gives them a chance.
